Friday, June 17, 2011

Get Zombified!

So I am totally in love with ZombieBooth and have been zombifying most of my household and basically anyone who will sit still long enough for me to take a picture of them (including the pets). I know this app has probably been out for ages but I am always one step behind and only just discovered it (well my friend Karla put me onto it). Anyhoo, if you want to download it make sure it's not "Zombiebooth Lite", you want the real deal. So much fun, cannot get enough.

I think my Zombie self is much prettier then my normal self. Matt just looks how he always does, crazy :P

Ok, that's not really what your here for is it? What's been happening. A lot actually! As you know from previous blogs we had Terry here from Melbourne. So it's been lovely having him here. Thursday Terry and I were lucky enough to have some time to take a quick trip to the Adelaide Hills. We couldn't let him go back to Melbourne without at least seeing a little bit of what our great state has to offer. YES we do have great stuff to offer! Anyone who says Adelaide is crap has never been here!!! I will not hear otherwise thank you very much! *Rant against Adelaide haters*

Anyways, so we started at Mount Lofty Lookout for a little look see over Adelaide. Second stop was Hahndorf, for those who don't know, Hahndorf is a German town in the hills, which offers a lot of funny little shops and cafes. It's cooler than it sounds, really. We went to the German Arms for lunch and Terry had the most atrocious assortment of meat, appropriately dubbed on the menu as "The German Experience". I bet him $50 that he couldn't eat the whole thing and he proved me wrong- good effort! Then we went to Hans Heysens (famous South Australian artist) house/studio, which was really cool. There is loads of history and Terry shares the same love I have for all things old, historic and slightly creepy. And we ended the day with a wine tasting at Shaw and Smith winery. So an all round good day and we have pics of course! 

Here is Shaw and Smith. Being that it is Winter there are no leaves on the vines, it looks much pretty in Summer/Autumn

And the wine, oh the wine....yumo!

Hans Heysens Studio in Hahndorf. This studio is the oldest standing artists studio in Australia. So put that in your pipe and smoke it haters, we got old shit here! 

Oh I was so in love with the cuckoo clocks but unfortunately they started at $600 and we got told off for taking photo's of them- party poopers!! 

"The German Experience"

Mount Loft Lookout

Oh yeah and tattoo's! There were tattoo's done this week, even though it doesn't sound like it. 

Jamie finished this sweet old owl piece on Lauren (artwork by Iain Macarthur)

 And Simo got a good start on this chest piece.

Matt got some more done on this dragon sleeve on Cameron (imagine that it's not blurry) 

Our Mate Terry tattooing Jarrad. Started tattooing at 10am and they are still at it at 7pm! (brutal)!

And I would like to take a moment to plug our very good friends, COERCE! We went to see them play at Enigma on Saturday night (yes, we went out on a Saturday night, made it past 1am even!) and as per usual they blew us away. Check out the new album "Ethereal Surrogate Saviour". Check em out.


And next week I head off to Turkey, I will be gone 3 whole weeks! So I will try and blog before I go but it may be some time before I can blog again. I am excited and nervous to leave. Excited for the trip, nervous that I am not fit enough for a 2 week long trek! I hope to God Matt remembers to feed the dogs.... and himself for that matter! Feel free to drop by with casseroles or home made soups, he may starve to death while I am gone :P 

So I will say "Hoşçakal"(good bye in turkish- I think) and see you again when I return. 

Sorry just a few more zombie's, couldn't resist. 

Zombie Simo
Zombie Mango (Jamie)

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