Well as the title suggests, we are back from our long trip OS. We had an awesome time, met some great people, saw awesome stuff, got lots of new tattoo's and spent quality time with family. To cut a very long story short.
Best thing about getting home was seeing our children, catching up with people and best of all opening all the packages we had sent back to Australia from Japan. It's like we had christmas all over again when we got home. Matt had to take a photo of his book and print purchases- we had more at home but this is what was waiting for us when we got to the shop. If anyone wants great tattoo reference books check out Gomineko Books at http://www.gominekobooks.com/

Of course everyone is aware of the flooding in Queensland and we would like to send out best wishes to people over on the east coast, they are doing it really hard out there and it's been nothing short of tragic. I found a website where you can help out by donating to the cause at http://www.qld.gov.au/floods/donate.html
Progression Tattoo has done it's bit for the flood relief effort by taking in a flood victim. One positive that comes out of the tragic is that we got to keep Malika in Adelaide a little bit longer. Her house was flooded and she was unable to go home, so Simo took full advantage by getting a quick tattoo in before she headed back. I wish I had a photo to post but I plain forgot to take one.
Simo getting her foot tattooed by flood victim Malika

So Matt finally managed to find time to tattoo Jamie. We had last minute cancellation so Jamie got some work done too.
The boys being boys and very serious for some reason??

Oh and one more thing. The Rites of Passage Festival is in a few weeks, 28th, 29th and 30th of January. Should be a good weekend, so come along if you can! Check out the site for tickets and more info http://www.ritesofpassagefestival.com/
That's all for this installment. Cheerio!
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