My blog posts have been pretty half-hearted for quite a while, please excuses my sloppy web-presence. I am always weary of the internet, especially since I use it to disseminate images of my commercial work. I don't want to come off as shameless or exploitative of the generous people who come to me for tattoos. I feel strongly though about the work I've been doing lately, so I'm starting to try to make more of an effort to put my best e-foot forward. The work that I've had the privilege to do this summer has been amazing. Here are some new pieces and some other photographs that have inspired me lately.

Summer's over, we all know.

Really fun.

Great one in Brunkild, never seen this before.

Keith Richards was there too.

This style of tombstone is amazing. I've got a few nice tattoo designs of these if anyone's interested.

A hand-poked tattoo I did a while back, fully healed. In case you're interested in work like this, I should tell you, I hand poke at the shop, and this took me two hours.

Another fun little one. Balsam poplar.

So many fun ones! Wishbone... check.

Some juniper for Shally's sister.

Jared Arnason - Five-oh - skate park west.

This pile of bison bones were at Fort Whyte, worth checking out. I don't know if you're supposed to handle them or not, but I sure did.

The wheat in the centres of this Fleur De Lis was already there, I added the Fleur, to make it look less like a pot leaf.

The "everything Went Black" artwork, it was on my list of stuff I'd love to tattoo... Check.

I managed this photo of a crow while camping at Otter Falls with Avery.

A black capped chickadee on the rampage!

Avery's first ferris wheel ride at the Morden corn and apple festival.

Shally, my beautiful wife.
Heart Melter warning

The Sam!

Thanks for checking out my blog. Bram.
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