Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hard work...

...but very rewarding!

Custom theatre masks, done on Sunday.

Angel designed by Jo, done on Hitz who managed to get a professional photo taken. Really happy with the outcome of this.

Finally finished Mauro's half sleeve, with detail of the new samurai mask underneath.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


on red carpets.

Avery shot this one.

Tyler Geurts, Tailslide to Regs.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The two headed cardinal,

will reveal your true soul.

Here are a couple new rolls of film. Come check out Corner Tattoos at the C4 comic convention this weekend.

Some new tattoos.

Take Back the Night.

I love this new photo of Avery.



Night skating with the Wreck crew.


Shop altar, oil pastel by Nic Adamson.
