So much for keeping up with the blog but we have good excuses for being slack.
So we had Taco Joe from Malaysia come stay with us and do a guest spot at the shop for a couple of weeks in early August. Thanks for coming Joe! We just feel bad that we so busy we didn't even have time to show the poor guy around! Joe got to do some really good tattoo's on Jamie (Rooster with a snake) and Simone (Fox).

We also had a short trip to Melbourne to see K-Os, which was awesome. Apart form seeing wonderful Melbourne again, we got up close to K-Os and enjoyed his show.

As most people are aware we now have Jamie and Simone working at the shop and we want to welcome them with open arms. They are a perfect addition to Progression and we are excited to expand our team. This is going to take some pressure off Matt (since he has been the only artist at the shop till now). This also means that we have artists available to do any small work or take on anything that Matt had no time to do before.

So we have had a hectic time getting the shop rearranged so as to get the two extra stations we needed to set up for the new guys. The shop has had a new face lift and is really coming along now.
Jamie and Simone are both getting really busy, we would suggest that if you want to get tattooed before christmas, this is the time to book (before their schedules get even more hectic). Plus there will be a week or more that they will take off around Christmas/New Years.
Matt will not be taking on any new work for the rest of this year but we are happy to take enquiries for bookings into the new year. We have only 8 weeks till we leave for our big trip to Japan and we are counting down the days!! We have been letting people know that we are going away but please take in mind if you have unfinished work we will be away from November 6th until early January.
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