News for this week is that we are 2 weeks away from getting a new shipment of hoodies!! We are pretty proud of the efforts put in for these ones, a lot of love, time and effort went into these designs (thanks Matt and Dave). So I have attached some pics, so you can suss them out. Matt has designed a new logo for progression, which is pretty cool too. We hope to add that logo to any future merch. We are taking pre-orders, so call the shop if your keen!

Speaking of merch we are having a sale on the last lot of T-Shirts we had. We need to make way for new stuff coming through. So we have discounted to half price, so instead of $40 they are not $20- so come pick one up (these ones are limited edition):P
As for the tattoo side of things Matt did get started on a lower leg piece for Jack. The design includes two Asian Foo Dogs, a Shrine and a heap of Japanese flowers. Just a bit about the design, in case your interested... The Asian Foo Dogs (found throughout asian cultures) are also known as the "Lion of Budda". So although they are called "dogs" they are essentially lions. The local Shinto religion of Japan, which predates Buddhism, also has a lion protector, with a red head, who drives away evil spirits and brings health and wealth. No matter the origin though, be it Chinese or Japanese, Buddhist or Shinto, the definitive Foo Dog is fundamentally protective, strong, and courageous. It is for these reasons that many shrines and temples in Asia are guarded by Foo Dogs at their entrances. So there ya go, just in case you wanted to know a bit about the background behind the choice for the piece.

Amanda had a cool idea for her upper arm tattoo, a picture of Frank N. Furter from Rocky Horror Picture show. So after a marathon 5 hours Frank was finished (well done Amanda for sitting through that in one sitting).

And I think that's about it for now. Cheerio!!
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