Sunday, March 11, 2007

satanic black devotion

in selkirk the other day my mom lent me her blogger to shoot this blue jay that had frozen to death. click on them for the full sized versions. they feather patterns look really nice in the full sizer's.

so if you haven't noticed yet, i skipped town. i'm holdin' it down in kenora for a week or so. drex and T.Q. are hooking me up big time with some professional screen printing technology and a great bed to sleep in. the shirts i'm printing are gonna say "satanic black devotion" and have a goats head and maybe a little embroidered bit if i'm lucky. if for some reason you want a large then you'll have to let me know today sometime 'cause i'm just not gonna print any larges otherwise. if any ladies want one let me know sizing too cause i dont know stuff about ladies sizes. email me at for more info. i wont be answering my phone for the week.

also, big ups the folks that shoveled the kenora park downrail. yesterday we had a killer session on the little three stair rail. it was the best skating i've had in the whole time i've been home.

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