chillin in coca... cablevision
for tyspace
"vota" in spanish means dysfuntional family
sweet cannondale whip with those awesome chrome forks...
top ten reasons to not order random meats...
"it´s absolutely horrid"
last night before the boat trip, so we drank on the malecon
caught the dawn light
i was absolutely sure we´d blown it and were gonna have to wait three days for the next boat, but our bro sandro set us up!
ummm.... there was a monkey around... that little girl is jealous cause aparently the monkey only likes dudes, and she really wanted to bro with it
kenora spot
epic jungle adventure
our site was pretty set up
vromstein, the explorer
more cool shit happened here that i didnt blog, cause the film photos will totally kick ass
sandro took us swimming in this hype lagoon, but andy and vroomstein pulled turd and didnt even swim. its was absolutely the best water ive ever swam in, it was perfect
in the jungle, when the sun goes down the trees come alive, the noise becomese deafening... its one of the most amazing experiences to be that far from any civilsation
back to civilisation
rico´s guest blog:
good ones rico!
so this is where our legit boat adventure starts. i didnt blog a tonne but i shot lots of film... i can sense all of your anticipation of the ´zine rising...
our whip for the next few days...
"publish that one, i look handsome" you got it bro!
the grub on the boat ended up being really fucking bad,
but i didnt mind so much ´cause i brought some pretty decent lentils
we picked up all kindsa sweet cargo, well, some sweet cargo, mostly stinky ass pigs and loud ass roosters. lots of plantains too.
here we got some hype wood
i was shootin photos on shore at this stop andwhen i stood up and turned around, i saw no less than forty kids fully staring at me. they were pretty awestruck by this silly ass gringo with tattoos shooting dudes rolling logs on board. it was a pretty humbling experience.
me ´n this kid bro´d. i dont think his sister was too into me.
this is a photo of a totally wierd butt
nah, its just james insanely bug bitten back
looks like the suns setting... myspace photos for everyone!
andy´s a shy pisser
we made it to our last day with enough dough to buy popsicles!
last night
i think the croc hunter got taken out by one of these
straight off the boat to this plaza. we couldnt skate it cause we had to catch a much sketchier boat and i didnt much feel like fucking up this little middle of nowhere towns nice ledges, but dude, look how sick it is...
motocars are killing it!!!
"gringos on a hot tin roof" james titled this one pretty atly. it must´ve been 35 degrees out...
so i got some wierd blisters on my legs...
this boat ride totally sucked
iquitos, the largest city in the world not accessable by road. somewhere around the 500 000 people.
we treated ourselves to some pretty nice grindage
james and andy both had "peche" which we later found out is a protected species, there were also protected turtles on the menu.
the market here is the best ive ever seen.
i want to live in this city for four reasons
reason number one: the produce
reason number two: the skatespots
they are absolutely everywhere, and the streets are glass smooth, the asphalt is perfect cause theres pretty much no temperature fluctuation here.
reason number three: the motocar skitching
you can just roll around forever, grabbin onto motocars getin rides around, the speed limit is thirty so you never get goin too insanely fast, but its so rad. there are tons of em too so you can be skitching one, slingshot yourself up past it to the next... insane. and lots of dudes are psyched on you scammin a ride, theyll give you a whistle and tell you to grab hold. the first day of skitchin i caught a speed wobble and got dragged a littkle bit, but lessons are learned pretty quick.
reason number four: the meticulous laundry folders.
this is james being a pervert
this is james being domestic
for jimbo
i went rippin around this morning and came home to get james, cause the shred was way too good.
the sun came out so we only got like a half hour or forty minutes of ripping before we both got intense heat stroke.
andy and i went on a tour of the slums
the zine i make is pretty much gonna be titled "sketchy meat" cause thats mostly what i shoot out here. james coined the term.
for half the year this entire slum floats on the river, tied to those tall ass poles.
i was shooting this outhouse shack and i guess this lady wasn´t feelin bein in my shot...
so about halfway through our tour. our guide gorge stopped paddling to let us know that if we need and marijuana or cocaine he´s got us covered.
a little bit later, he let us know that if we needed any prostitutes he had us covered there too.
almost josh evin
some big ass lily pads...
we took him up on his coca offer
back in the day, this town got big because of rubber trees. the bro´s who copped all the dough were called rubber barons and they all shipped over hella tiles from spain to decorate their mansions.
bayonettes on ak-47´s seems a bit excessive
ths is a purple dog
lobster boy...
go scope my sister marcie´s kick-axe blog

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