bro'kfast with the freeze
"how many skateboarders does it take to screw in a lightbulb?"
"i dunno, how many?"
"four, one to screw it in, two to film and one to shoot a still."
bro's started filtering in like mad
"i wear black on the outside because black is how i feel on the inside"
if nicks wearing a yellow shirt, theres a good chance shit's gonna hit the fan
i hung out with brady, who is a very radical/highly blogable character
roots photo rigs...
...and high tech gadgetry
hella whips
that whole period where everyone was completely fascinated with space travel, flight and elegant machinery was fuckin rad
some bro in brady's hood lives in a castle...
toes to nose bros!!!
these hands come with a heart and soul, and a tongue to speak my rage
sunday april 23rd 2006
jimblog moment:
good ones jimbo
nick "the dragon" adamson!!!
"those are really nice jeans bro. what are those, rustlers?"
"nah, they're levi's"
kev was in town for aminute to make me feel better about my much debated jean situation
major fan-out blog moment
the last five people to email me are all fucking awesome
gary pulled major bitch tonight cause his blade was busted...
the white stuff was a flyin
tony is an unstoppable force
monday april 24th 2006
meanwhile on the kids in the hall
"30 helens agree: if you want to remember something, write it down. that's what pens are for."
i was roberto bummin' about goin to work, but then on the way i found this toonie. it was chillin on the ground as if to say "dont worry bram, it'll be alright, slurpees are on me tonight."
"those blintz's were terrible"
the halfway point, only five more hours to go...
this guy started fucking around with our pylons. bob wan't havin any of that, and goes "look at this asshole!". he threw the ol' diesel truck in gear and chased him down. he caught him at a light and screams out the window "you wanna play games???" like we were in a 1987 action flick. gets out of the truck and starts over to the guys car adding "fucking PRICK" on the way...
he didnt end up slitting any throats though
tony report: taking it pretty fucking easy
tuesday april 25th 2006
had a lil' broment with ryan miller
today was basically a turd...
so i made p'sketti
i got to drive the cone truck today... paraphernalia...
meanwhile at micky d's... da vinci was holdin it down..
tempster inspired dirt hosing....
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